Contact Information

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this project please feel free to contact any of the following:

Linda Lutovsky-Superintendent
701-330-4388 (cell)

Doug Ulland-School Board President

Lynn Lane-Minto Vote YES Committee
701-430-8956 (cell)

Monday, September 22, 2014


Will the Minto School Building Project include a preschool?

The School Building Project would allow for space in the elementary wing (formerly junior high wing) for a preschool.

Specific plans to design and implement a preschool have not been made.  However preschool has been a topic on the School Board agenda in the past.  At the May 19, 2014 School Board meeting preschool was discussed (including space, scheduling, staffing, revenue sources and costs).  The School Board approved for an extra elementary teacher to be hired who would assist with Tier Learning, but specified that this teacher must have a preschool credential.

Public School preschool programs are not currently required in ND, but there are indications that the ND State Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is moving in this direction.  
  • The DPI has created an office for early child care and education.  
  • Financial grants are being made available for educators and districts.  
  • Training is scheduled to provide districts information about requirements and standards for pre-kindergarten programs.

Of the 179 school districts in North Dakota 69 districts (39%) have received approval for a grade organization that includes pre-kindergarten.  The following public schools in our area have been approved for a preschool program.

North Border -Walhalla
Park River
St. Thomas
North Border - Neche

Having a preschool program in the Minto Elementary School is very important to serve families in our area.  If a family must go to another school to receive these early learner services they could move all their children to that school decreasing Minto's school enrollment.

The School Board has approved a position for preschool.  The DPI is providing financial support and training.  The only thing holding a preschool program in Minto Elementary School back is SPACE.

Preschool and Pre-kindergarten have been used interchangeably in this post.

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