Contact Information

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this project please feel free to contact any of the following:

Linda Lutovsky-Superintendent
701-330-4388 (cell)

Doug Ulland-School Board President

Lynn Lane-Minto Vote YES Committee
701-430-8956 (cell)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

17 Question and Answers about School Building Projects


Responses provided by FJJ Solutions 
(Consultants to Minto School Facilities Improvement Project)
July 15, 2013

Q1. Why do school districts create facilities plans?
A1. Long-range facilities plans allow school districts to plan for the future and identify cost-effective solutions to their community's education needs. Many school districts are maintaining and operating old and inefficient mechanical equipment with poor air quality in classrooms that do not meet the current state standards. Creating a long-range plan helps a district efficiently assess and solve education, infrastructure and health and safety needs.

Q2. Are there any health problems in the schools?
A2. As schools age, building ventilation, plumbing and electrical systems need repair and replacement. Yet many needs are deferred due to budget constraints. FJJ Solutions and several sub-consultants have assessed and advised the district with respect to hazardous materials (asbestos, lead, radon, etc…) to evaluate whether current indoor air quality standards are being met. The assessment plan will address overall air quality, classroom comfort, current space needs, building accessibility and improve the learning environment for students and educators.

Q3. Can't we just continue to make repairs in the school as problems arise?
A3. As the district facilities continue to age, problems emerge that will permanently impact health, safety and educational success. The current state of the economy has led to upward pressure in the cost of construction and interest rates are still at an all time low. These factors, make this an opportune time to address facilities concerns and lingering deferred maintenance items.

Q4. What does Minto Schools receive for FJJ Solutions’ fee?
A4. FJJ Solutions has helped the district better define the values of key stakeholder groups (students, teachers and staff, school board and public). FJJ Solutions and partner sub-consultants provide comprehensive reports that include a discussion of the district facilities deficiencies and associated opportunities for improvements and addressing deferred maintenance items. District demographics have been studied with the district and a comprehensive report provided.

Q5. What types of analysis and assessment is completed as part of their fees?
A5. The assessments the district has received includes the following components, dependent entirely on the individual building and its systems: building envelope (including roofs, windows, doors, tuck-pointing and infiltration), interior finishes (ADA compliance, ceilings, flooring, walls, doors), mechanical systems (heating, cooling, ventilation, piping & plumbing), electrical (power, distribution, low-voltage systems), as well as other items of priority to the district.

Q6. Does FJJ Solutions assist with community engagement during its assessment of the school?
A6. Professional consultants have conducted meetings with teachers, students, parents, community members, the School Board and other interested people to understand the current state of the school. This team of people has assessed the educational adequacy, mechanical operations, health and safety of the current building, and has developed specific options for the School Board to consider.

Q7. Who makes the decision about scope and selecting solutions?
A7. Minto Schools has reviewed and selected the appropriate solutions that are included in this project. FJJ Solutions has reviewed each assessment report with the facility committee, the Superintendent and the full board as necessary so that Minto Schools is making informed decisions about scope and solutions. The board has been able to evaluate a variety of options for proceeding with facilities investments and retains full control of project scope and prioritization.

Q8. What financing or financial options can be considered?
A8. The school district, with help from Public Financial Management, Inc. (PFM), the districts financial advisor is utilizing and applying funding options the State legislature has empowered school districts to use. The majority of the needed improvements require public vote.

Q9. Will the District receive building plans and renderings?
A9. No. Building renovation and design is a process that moves from an idea to schematic design, to design development, to construction. At the facility assessment stage, options for improvements have been presented to the Board for a decision on the scope of the project. Once a scope of work has been selected, the design stage can begin. As the project moves along in the design process, it becomes more detailed to the point where the renovation work can be publicly bid from a set of drawings and specifications.

Q10. What is FJJ Solutions role in the development and construction process?
A10. FJJ Solutions is the program manager and the construction manager for the projects. Before FJJ can construct, they must define the goals and objectives, define the building programs, establish the project budgets, get the necessary agency approvals (DPI, State Plan Review, etc), design and bid the projects. Then the projects enter the construction phase for which they perform construction management.

Q11. Is the school district responsible for submitting the North Dakota Department of Education (DPI) documentation and approvals?
A11. Yes. FJJ Solutions will assist the district with all of the necessary documentation for DPI.

Q12. How accurate are the budget cost estimates? Does FJJ get hard quotes for construction?
A12. FJJ Solutions estimates for a new building or renovation are based on experience with these projects from around the state as well as data and resources standard to the construction industry. FJJ Solutions also works with several sub-consultants (subject matter experts) for much of the budget estimates. Renovation estimates include all soft costs associated with the project including design fees, insurance, bonding, permitting and contingency for unforeseen conditions. In the past 5 years alone, the FJJ Solutions team you will be working with has estimated and performed over $140 Million dollars in construction projects in Northeast North Dakota / Northern Minnesota. All within estimated budgets.

Q13. How much of this project will be going to local contractors?
A13. By state law, no public contracts can be promised to local contractors, and the district is required to follow a low-bid or best value process. FJJ Solutions regularly sponsors bid meetings with local contractors to answer any questions they have about contract expectations. This process gives local companies the best chance to make competitive bids.  See also ND Century Code pertaining to bids and contracts for public projects:  CHAPTER 48-01.2 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BIDS AND CONTRACTS

Q14. Can you clarify how the bidding process will work? How can we be assured all bids are competitive?
A14. All work will be contracted via the open bidding process. All projects will be delivered through the construction management delivery process, where bid categories will be solicited and awarded to qualified low bidders. All bidding will be advertised. Once the design process is complete, a "Call for Bid" is advertised at least three weeks prior to the bid opening. Plan sets will be made available on-line as well as at many of the local plan exchanges. FJJ Solutions verifies that the bids are competitive by comparing bid ranges, bid contractor industry reputation, the number of bidders, and by conducting post-bid interviews.

Q15. Does FJJ provide a project manager?
A15. Yes. FJJ Solutions is responsible for managing project implementation from beginning to end, including initial planning, construction and financial management, contract negotiations, public information and student transition.
Additionally, working with architectural and engineering designer partners on initial planning, full design and engineering services. In this role, FJJ Solutions is responsible for quality assurance that all projects are completed according to the contract terms and the expectations of the school board.

Q16. Why is hiring a Program Manager a good idea for a school district?
A16. There are several reasons that school districts hire companies like FJJ Solutions:
1 School districts are in the business of educating students, not managing construction projects. For a school district to plan and implement a large facility renovation project, they would need to hire and manage architectural teams, electrical and mechanical designers, a construction manager, a quality manager and other professionals. By using a Program Manager like FJJ Solutions, Minto Schools has contracted with an experienced manager of all of these services. FJJ Solutions doesn’t perform all of these services – instead, it helps the district manage all of the aspects of the construction process.
2. Hiring a Program Manager places the accountability with a single firm. Simply put, the buck stops with FJJ Solutions and Partner Sub-consultants for completing the project on-budget and on-time.
3. Good program management leads to better educational results. Instead of focusing on just design or construction goals, a Program Manager is responsible for meeting the school district’s educational and financial outcomes.

Q17. Does FJJ Solutions accept the financial risk for all aspects of the facilities plan?
A17.  No.  The school district still accepts the financial risk in two areas-construction contracts and land acquisition if applicable.  In these areas, FJJ Solutions advises the school board, but the board is responsible for the final agreements with contractors.

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