Contact Information

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this project please feel free to contact any of the following:

Linda Lutovsky-Superintendent
701-330-4388 (cell)

Doug Ulland-School Board President

Lynn Lane-Minto Vote YES Committee
701-430-8956 (cell)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Letter to the Editor of Walsh County Record by Superintendent Linda Lutovsky

September 3, 2014
Message from Superintendent Lutovsky:

On August 11th, the Minto School Board, with my full support, decided to move forward to ask Minto residents to vote on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 for a school facility improvement project that will address elementary and special needs space concerns by adding additional classrooms to the north end of the existing school building.  We will also look to address deferred maintenance issues including new roofing, doors and windows as well as replace aged and outdated mechanical and electrical infrastructure.

After spending the past year studying the school district options, the school board decided to take action now for several key reasons:

Improve the Quality of our Educational Spaces
A classroom addition to the north end of the existing high school will allow us to relocate our middle school classes that occupy current elementary school spaces.  This will enable us to utilize the existing classroom space for elementary and special needs students, many of who now are now taught in the commons, doorways and libraries.  This change will allow the district to align our grades to a true K-6, 7-12 configuration, limiting interaction and space sharing between early learners and Jr/Sr. high Students and better allow all students and teachers an environment conducive to quality learning.

Address Deferred Maintenance and Create Long Term Financial stability for Minto School District
Our facility was constructed in 1955, with additions in 1960 and 1969.  Much of the roof, windows, doors, as well as heating, ventilating and electrical systems are original and are being utilized beyond its useful life.  By replacing this aged external and internal infrastructure, we will be greatly improving the quality of the learning environment for our students and staff, reducing the amount of dollars we are spending on repairs and maintenance, preserving our current operating budgets and in turn helping to ensure Minto School continues to remain a strong cornerstone to the Minto community.

Continue to Provide Long Term Community and Taxpayer Value
The significant investment needed to improve the facility, still extremely low interest rates from a school construction fund set up by State of North Dakota, recent significant drop in overall property tax rates, as well as an expected escalation in overall construction costs, make this a favorable time for Minto residents to consider these changes.
Historically, Minto School district has had one of the lowest property tax rates of any school in the local area.  In some cases our tax rates have been 50% lower than those of our neighboring districts.  This has been very beneficial for school district taxpayers.  Unfortunately, the result to the school district has been limited funding available to address the changing educational space needs for early childhood and learners with special needs, nor the availability of funding to invest in replacement of outdated exterior and interior infrastructure.
Your involvement is important as we plan the future of Minto School District.  We are at a pivotal moment as we build a long-term vision for the future of our school and community.   I look forward to the opportunity in the next several weeks to talk directly with residents about our vision for the future of Minto Public Schools.

Please visit the school district website for additional information regarding the district long term strategic planning process. 

As always, I’m interested in your feedback, so please contact me any time via phone call at (Phone 701-248-3479, Cell 701-330-4388 or e-mail and I will address your questions or concerns.


Linda Lutovksy

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