Contact Information

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this project please feel free to contact any of the following:

Linda Lutovsky-Superintendent
701-330-4388 (cell)

Doug Ulland-School Board President

Lynn Lane-Minto Vote YES Committee
701-430-8956 (cell)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Upcoming Informational Events

You might ask...

How can I become informed about the School Improvement Project?
How can I find out what the tax impact will be on me?
Who can I direct questions to?

There are multiple events coming up in which Linda Lutovsky-Minto School Superintendent will present information to the public. Please come and find out why it is so very important to VOTE YES on this issue of school improvement.

Wednesdays, September 3, 10 and 17 (9am-12:30pm) Tours of the school.
See the areas that are in need of improvement.  No appointment necessary.

Sunday, September 7 at 9:30am at Wilson's Cafe
Coffee and Doughnuts to be served
(Paid for by the Minto Vote YES Committee)

Sunday, September 14 at 11:30am in the basement of St. Stanislaus Church in Warsaw
Coffee and muffins to be served (Paid for by the Minto Vote YES Committee)

Tuesday, September 16-Community Open House at Minto School
6p and 7p messages from the Superintendent in the High School Library
School Tours
Talk to School Board Members
Opportunity for Small Group Discussion

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