Contact Information

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this project please feel free to contact any of the following:

Linda Lutovsky-Superintendent
701-330-4388 (cell)

Doug Ulland-School Board President

Lynn Lane-Minto Vote YES Committee
701-430-8956 (cell)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Letter From A Former Minto High School Graduate

We moved to Minto, ND. a couple of years ago, from a population of over 13,000.  When we were checking out the Minto school we were a bit surprised to see how outdated the inside of the building is, especially coming from a large populated town and what our schools look like back home.  When walking through the Minto school I really did not want to attend because of how outdated the school is.  I did, however, attend the Minto school and found the school to be uncomfortably cold in the winter and too hot in the summer, books outdated, and curriculum 2 years behind and having a classroom in the hall was hard to comprehend.

As with our homes, businesses, machinery and vehicles etc. everyone is aware that it costs money for upkeep and without the upkeep things do fall apart.  Without the support of our community, whether it be for our school, churches, car dealership, bank, cafe, bar, gas station, etc. if the support is not there these places can’t stay open and soon a town is just a name.  
We were the outsiders that moved into the town of Minto and our choice was to call this our home because of the wonderful support we have received from the community with welcoming us here. We were amazed at how a small town pulled together and it seemed that everyone cared for one another.  

I personally don’t want to see our “hometown” become just another “name” that people drive through to get to the next town as one would hope that all of us would want to keep the town of Minto an active and vibrant community.

The school does need a lot of repairs and updating so our children will have a productive learning environment.  As a community it is our responsibility to support our school and businesses so our town flourishes.

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