Contact Information

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this project please feel free to contact any of the following:

Linda Lutovsky-Superintendent
701-330-4388 (cell)

Doug Ulland-School Board President

Lynn Lane-Minto Vote YES Committee
701-430-8956 (cell)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

High School Addition-Elementary Space Improvements

Extensive study and community input brought the Minto Community to this critical point in time to decide the future of our school.

Based on the Values Work Sessions facilitated by FJJ Solutions and completed by school staff, students, board members and the community more classroom space was a top outlined district need.

The solution suggested by FJJ Solutions and accepted by the Minto School Board was to make a 5,500 square foot addition on the north end of the high school.  This addition would alleviate spaces issues in the elementary as the junior high students would relocate to the high school wing.  This would create vacancy in the elementary school to provide students with special education services, Title 1 services and future preschool services.

Neither the addition or the renovation to the classrooms has been designed, so the cost is an estimate. To design this space would be to put the "cart before the horse" so to speak.  If this improvement plan is approved by the voters then the project would move into the design and bidding phase.

The Board Prioritized Facility Improvement Plan estimates the cost of the high school addition and elementary renovation at $1.7 million. 

Stop by the Minto School to see the Facility Improvement Outline

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